


Intellectual curiosity and independent thinking are the hallmarks of the study of 语言 and literature here at JSU.


英语系,外语系, & 澳门皇冠体育的语言交流是一个统一的, multidisciplinary marketplace of ideas committed to creating a more equitable global society that supports diverse cultural experiences, 培养专业, 和诚实的学术诚信和责任. 我们的目标是培养独立的学生, 创新, and ethical leaders who take initiative to make decisions and solve problems in their communities.

Close analysis of literature trains you to think critically and prepares you for a variety of experiences, 文化, 以及人类行为.

Intellectual curiosity and independent thinking are the hallmarks of 语言 and literature students. The 英语与现代语言系 a will prepare you for leadership at 澳门皇冠体育 and in the global marketplace.


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The department of English and 现代语言 at 澳门皇冠体育 is a unified, multidisciplinary marketplace of ideas committed to creating a more equitable global society that supports diverse cultural experiences, 培养专业, 和诚实的学术诚信和责任. 我们的目标是培养独立的学生, 创新, and ethical leaders who take initiative to make decisions and solve problems in their communities.


We provide the students within our department and across the larger campus with opportunities to build effective communication skills, 培养求知欲, 训练多种读写能力. Weendeavor to assist the students we serve in embracing informed citizenship and excelling in careers across a variety of disciplines with our course offerings and programming rooted in the study of literature, 语言, 以及语音交流.

    • 建立你的智力工具包

      • 有效的书面 & 口头交流

        • Develop ability to articulate ideas clearly in verbal and written forms; demonstrate proficiency in editing and refining written and verbal expressions. 

      • 批判性思维

        • 拓展识别能力, clarifying and evaluating important ideas and arguments; strengthen aptitude for challenging standard assumptions.

      • 文化 & 数字素养

        • Demonstrate cross-cultural sensitivity and familiarity with global cultural perspectives and develop the ability to recognize the different cultural, 社会, 政治, contexts in which meaning is made and through which it is disseminated; improve knowledge and understanding of varying modes of digital information & 技术. 

      • Research智慧 

        • Increase competence in knowledge of theoretical concepts; strengthen ability to apply theory to particular situations, 确定可靠来源, and weigh multiple arguments; center engagement with the process of knowledge acquisition and advance ability to question in a scholarly context. 

    • 职业发展机会

      • English and 现代朗uage majors have a plethora of career options.  选择一门专业或辅修专业,成为一名:

        • 律师, 法官, 积极分子, 教授, 作者, 老师, 文案, 社交媒体经理, 导演, 生产商, 编辑器, 记者, 演员, 导演, 作曲家, 演讲稿撰写人, 外交事务官员, 时尚行业专业人士, 公共关系专家, 和更多的!

学习 BY

The area of English at 澳门皇冠体育 has established the following major objectives:
• To help students develop the ability to read, think, and write clearly and critically.
• To help students understand and appreciate good writing and literature.
• To help students become aware of the truth, beauty, and wisdom of our culture to the
extent that they are able to make value judgments about the society in which they live.
• To prepare students for teaching English and for other careers that require critical
• To provide the necessary courses for all students to fulfill state and university
• To encourage students to engage in creative and scholarly writing.


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• Students will be able to draw on relevant cultural and historical information to analyze
• Students will be able to demonstrate familiarity with literary traditions pre- and post1800, 包括识别作者, 类型, 文学运动, 和风格.
• Students will be able to analyze underrepresented experiences and cultural diversity,
including issues of race, gender, class, sexuality, and ethnicity through the study of
• Students will be able to research and write focused, convincing analytical essays in clear,
• Students will be able to read, write, and speak effectively in at least one foreign

职业生涯 机会

English, Foreign Languages, and 演讲 majors have a plethora of career options:


技术作家 教师或私人导师 翻译
翻译 语言病理学家 语言病理学助理 注册行为技术员(RBT)











欲了解更多信息,请致电(601)979- 2249与我们CONTACT.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.

Dr. 乌木·卢蒙巴,主席

DEPARTMENT OF English, Foreign Languages and 演讲 Communications


四楼,Dollye M.E. 鲁滨逊文理大楼
P.O. 17600箱
杰克逊,MS 39217-0300


(601) 979-2249
(601) 979-5105传真



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